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Eugen Rochko

@ricmac @rabble Pixelfed and Mastodon are not isolated from each other. I have Pixelfed users in my home feed on Mastodon. That's a very weird definition of isolated. Mastodon has search too. Phanpy has a catch-up algorithm. I don't find the arguments in the post compelling.

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ren 🏳️‍🌈 (a they/them)

@Gargron @ricmac @rabble They raised up a decent point or 2, albeit not fully correct. There is migration, but it’s not user friendly. did go down, but leaning on country-owned domains isn’t smart. Lot of bad info in the post too.

But goodness, what is all this stuff about keys? Isn’t Nostr, like, a crypto-bro “Jack” thing, which is chock full o’ its own problematic issues?

Yeah… I’m good here.

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