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Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@aral Doesn't actually work in the USA though.

All those bankruptcies from medical bills!!

Properly functioning capitalism would have heard of something called "credit control", and wouldn't provide service to people who can't pay, and wouldn't end up with bankruptcies.


@TimWardCam @aral We used to have this. The US had to pass a federal law that prevented emergency rooms from refusing care to people who couldn’t pay.

Seriously. “Appendix about to explode? Fuck you, pay me.”

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@lkngrrr @aral Ah. So instead of getting something fixed early and cheaply, someone without vast amounts of money has to wait until it's an emergency before they can access treatment, with the degraded quality of life and added risk and cost (to the system)?



@TimWardCam @aral
And then we reinforce the socioeconomic divide by looking down on people who “waited too long”!

Tim Ward ⭐🇪🇺🔶 #FBPE

@lkngrrr @aral I'm just an engineer, not a medic, and I can spot that one ... but I suppose that the day job could be described as "looking for failure modes in systems".


@TimWardCam @aral I’m not a systems engineer, but I could describe part of my own gig as “rules lawyering some shit” so I feel you.

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