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jacqueline 🌟

this vaxry guy is quite a character huh

Lastly, I would also like to remind You that "Hyprland" and "Drew" are names and should be
capitalized. It is quite unprofessional of You to capitalize Your own name, but not the name of
Drew DeVault
jacqueline 🌟

he is also a bigot would You believe it!!

jacqueline 🌟

i like how his whole blog post is an extended "there's actually no difference between good things and bad things! and actually there's no such things as bad things anyway! you're not the morality decider!"

and then u actually read specifically what the allegations against him are and it's like 'referred to someone being gay as "wanting to get AIDS"'

like bruh. what are u trying here.

jacqueline 🌟

im gonna take a peek in the discord and see if they're being normal about this.

jacqueline 🌟

they have a "hyprland-mentions" channel that afaict they use to organise brigading.

also would u believe it turns out vaxry is a 4chan guy! wow!!

jacqueline 🌟

i think i will leave this discord now before i am noticed and harassed

jacqueline 🌟

it's a reasonably well done op i think unfortunately. i wouldn't trust anyone involved in managing that community; someone there 100% knows what they're doing in terms of fostering a pipeline into radicalisation.

e.g. their emotes list is... curated, in a word. the *vibe* is sus; mostly chan-y memes. but missing your pepes and such. but then there's always a pepe react on their big announcements? the whole server seems curated towards plausible deniability.


@jacqueline the hyprland discord is, in the most charitable formation, poorly distinguishable from an organized hate group

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