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Drew DeVault

Hyprland claims to have made some progress on reducing *overt* hate speech in their community, and maybe they have (not much, so far as I can tell). But there really hasn't been any progress at all on the underlying issue, which is this: the Hyprland community is "just for fun", and they can't seem to have "fun" unless it's at someone else's expense.

Dušan 🇷🇸 :arch: ⚛️

@drewdevault That's all people in my experience. Everyone likes a good zero-sum game.


@drewdevault I feel like this is the real story. I wish the blog posts out there, and the communication from the CoC Team, had been significantly more explicit about what has continued to occur since the hyprland community adopted their own (notably anemic) CoC. I'm really hoping he takes action based on your note to him in your most recent blog post.


@drewdevault While I don't wholly agree with Lyude's/the FDO's initial approach, I can only agree about the hypr* community. I'm on the discord for technical reasons, but made it a habit to steer clear of all non-tech channels. It is an, at best, immature, inexperienced and offensive community and the reactions of everyone reflect that I think. Vaxry is still young and I can only hope he will learn (and maybe read up about the paradox of tolerance and generally social topics)

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