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🌕 Chelsea 🌻📚

@hybridhavoc @oht @MissingThePt I mean I assume this is just a joke and no one is actually out here using it, but yes I would be so mad if I saw this as the only alt text on something lol.

hybrid havoc :1m: :rm:

@greengaybles @oht @MissingThePt Very true, though anybody relying on a screen reader and following Missing the Point was likely subjected to it anyway, even if it's not as alt text.

🌕 Chelsea 🌻📚

@hybridhavoc @oht @MissingThePt Well yes, as someone who does rely on a screen reader, I can confirm that I was subjected to it, though through a boost rather than following the OP. But it's not a big deal to just see it in passing as long as it's not standing in for actually useful alt text.

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