@scottjenson you wrote: "for saying the "#UX of opensource isn't great"", so yes you at least wrote it here. Yes you are correct with the engineering focus.
I find it hard to say anything about responsibility in the space of open source. The beauty of the freedoms kind of free maintainers from any demands. So I can totally understand when they get annoyed by demands that might be camouflaged by legitimate criticism. I think what you are talking about is also a reason for toxicity with Linux.
@SomeAnoTooter I'm not trying to make a large categorical point. I'm just trying to say that there MIGHT be a better way to improve UX in #OpenSource other than "just do a small PR". Let's start with:
1. Have the maintainer want better UX (not hard)
2. Discuss the changes ahead of time so everyone is on board (hard)
3. Create a list of small PRs needed
4. ***THEN*** start with the individual PRs
That's a process that will get the work done and hopefully have everyone in sync
@SomeAnoTooter I'm not trying to make a large categorical point. I'm just trying to say that there MIGHT be a better way to improve UX in #OpenSource other than "just do a small PR". Let's start with:
1. Have the maintainer want better UX (not hard)
2. Discuss the changes ahead of time so everyone is on board (hard)
3. Create a list of small PRs needed
4. ***THEN*** start with the individual PRs