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If you search Mastodon for “” you’ll see a bunch of people wondering why they can’t see President Biden’s account, unaware that they are on an instance that did a full suspend on the domain.


And people say Mastodon isn’t confusing 🙄


The messaging on Mastodon needs to be a lot clearer.

“You cannot view this profile because your Mastodon server, example dot com, has suspended the example dot net domain.”



Seconded! I would prefer a list of servers that have been blocked by the admin somewhere in the UI as well.


@bacteriostat You can see it on your instance’s About page. But people by and large never go there, or know to look there. The messaging should be there when you try to do the thing you’re not allowed to do.


@jsit Oh. Good to know. I can't see it on my Android client. I never use the web client.

D. B. Stuck

@jsit @bacteriostat

Few people interact with the Fediverse beyond a phone app.

I wish the Whitehouse had their own instance and they took full control of their messaging.

If your instance has blocked threads there are ways to download a backup of things and move yourself to another instance.

Whatever the case I'd never migrate to threads. It's only going to become another FB/Instagram clone in time. Bots and false actors everywhere.


@MyWoolyMastadon You can’t migrate your posts on Mastodon.

D. B. Stuck


Yep. You are right. Those who I've seen migrate have a clean slate and are copy pasting their most liked Toots over time.


@MyWoolyMastadon @jsit

In fact, I migrated today. My older instance was blocking Threads. I have no intention to be on Threads but I do want to view some of the profiles that are being federated.

Jane Adams

@jsit @bacteriostat is there a reason our instance doesn't have a public list of blocked instances? This would be helpful @kristinHenry 🙏❤️


@janeadams @bacteriostat Some people harass admins they know to be suspending them, so this is sometimes hidden to avoid that kind of targeting.

Jane Adams

@kristinHenry @jsit @bacteriostat Oh gosh I am so sorry... Sometimes we forget what admins deal with that we never see 🥴 makes sense, thank you

Kristin ( Admin)

@janeadams @jsit @bacteriostat You can always ask you admin and moderation team.

In the case of threads, we've mentioned from time to time that we block threads and why.

Human after all

@jsit John Mastodon needs to make an infomercial


@jsit I also suggest a picture of two Mastodon mascots on different islands, and the bridge between the two of them being on fire – maybe this would make it clearer what an instance suspension entails



If there isn't an issue about this on Github, there should be.



Next I just need to figure out how to prod and/or appease the devs in order to get them to accept my patches. :s

vruz Mastodon isn't inherently confusing. The president shouldn't rely on Threads for anything, which isn't Masto-related at all. And Masto is not the fediverse, and it bears no relation with Threads, except the little help that Mastodon GmbH gave to Meta for them to get started.

These are things only confusing when people make terrible decisions, like the Biden admin did placing an official account on a proprietary system, and when people conflate unrelated concepts, like you've just done.


@vruz If he were on any instance that was suspended by another instance, there would be similarly inadequate messaging about why his account wasn’t visible, Threads or otherwise.


@jsit You still conflated unrelated concepts.

You can either learn about them, or you can keep on being wrong, assigning blame incorrectly, if that makes you feel better.


@vruz @jsit you’re the one adding things to the conversation that’s misplaced. Officials and popular persons for nearly 20 years have gone with the largest concentration of users are. Blaming them for using Threads as an immature grievance. Mastodon is confusing for the avg person there’s plenty of posts and reports stating otherwise. You say mastodon isn’t confusing then say people make terrible decisions, both are subjective and goes against the consensus


@jsit I don't think I've ever heard anyone describe Mastodon as "not confusing" 😆

It's great, but it's plenty confusing for non-techie people, and even techie people who are new to the fediverse.


“But everyone said it didn’t matter which instance I joined.”

Maikel 🇪🇺

@jsit nothing matters more than which instance you joined and even if you choose it by people, if you don't know anything about running a server, your experience can be SHITE because the admin has no idea how to make it speedy.

This is the main reason I'm in, it's fast, it's powerful, it's taken care by people that know what they are doing. The federated timeline goes blazingly fast.

NOTHING matters more than what instance is your home.

Those on tiny pre-made instances are enjoying a 56kbps old analog modem experience and wondering why is it all so quiet.

@jsit nothing matters more than which instance you joined and even if you choose it by people, if you don't know anything about running a server, your experience can be SHITE because the admin has no idea how to make it speedy.

This is the main reason I'm in, it's fast, it's powerful, it's taken care by people that know what they are doing. The federated timeline goes blazingly fast.


@jsit Mastodon has had literal years to iron out these incredibly awkward UX rough edges. And there are a lot of them. It’s very frustrating.


@jsit I’m sympathetic to open-source development (xz shined a light on that plight, if nothing else), but honestly my goodwill is wearing thin.

I wish Mastodon would stop building apps and focus purely on the protocol. As of their 2022 report, HALF their team was focused on app development. At least when Twitter invested in apps, it was for a business reason. (Ads.)


@samf I would phrase this as needing to focus on UX over features.

Tom Walker

@samf @jsit But this is a complaint about how the situation displays in the app, not how it functions at protocol level, so "stop focusing on the app" makes no sense as an answer.


@tomw @jsit Okay? Conversations evolve sometimes, and my point was that Mastodon has plenty of frustrating UX concerns, beyond per-instance blocking and the UX surrounding it. But thanks anyway for jumping in to make sure a conversation that you're not a part of stays strictly on topic.

Tom Walker

@samf @jsit Your position of solving UX concerns by solely focusing on the protocol still makes zero sense.



It's very simple, you just need to predict how a completely unnaccountable anonymous stranger will act in the future when it comes to moderating and admin decisions.

Much better than these corporate sites. 🙃


@benx This is one thing I like about @SocialCoop, we all voted on whether to preemptively limit or suspend Threads (we limited it rather than suspending).


@benx But I still feel like I got lucky! I had no way of knowing when I moved from dot social that it would be this well-run.



After some bad experiences back in the earlier days of the fediverse in 2011, I held off on joining mastodon for this reason, along with the lack of ability to migrate all my content between instances.

I only bit the bullet and made the jump when I realised that I couldn't migrate my posts from any closed site (like Twitter or Facebook) to a different site anyway. And so I was, perhaps unkindly, setting a higher bar for Mastodon to pass in this respect.



I very much appreciate the thoughtful approaches taken by instances like @SocialCoop and

Annika Backstrom

@jsit who said that? i'd like to block their server

Samantha E Xavia So many Instance have done it, It sucks as it would be good to leave it down to each person.


@martlund He’s on Threads, which is semi-federating:


remote procedure chris

@jsit joe made an acct on threads?? lmao oh no


@jsit and the embrace extend extinguish becomes inevitable because one press release bot is on threads and there's no way for any large instance to have the freedom to decide that a massive, corporate run, algorithm infested and almost completely unmoderated threat to the entire network is unwanted.


@WagesOf I support instance admins' freedom to limit/suspend Threads if they want. But I also support users' ability to know that this is happening, and to move instances if they disagree with the decision.


@Crazypedia Being confused about why software isn't working as expected is not a good feature in my opinion.


@jsit And others moved instances because they don't want Biden or Threads around ;-)

Sam Adeleine

@jsit A related issue, I think, is when you run into a conversation where one side is missing, presumably because of a domain suspension or something of the sort. So you have person A and person B yelling at (suspended) person C, and it looks like A and B are yelling at each other. There should at least be a placeholder.


That’s why I’m not a fan of defederating.

Let the users decide and block an instance that they don’t want to read in their timeline.f

Changeling andAlex

@jsit @lisamelton It might be a good idea for server admins to remind their users…


@changeling There is a little-used "Announcements" feature for Mastodon admins. Not sure how the various third-party apps handle this (or even the first-party app).

Changeling andAlex

@jsit I’ve seen it used. I used to be on and they used it well.

Chris Hessert 🇺🇸 🇺🇦

I blocked the Meta domains from my account. Not sure if they’re blocked at the server level, don’t care either way. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nicolas Cropp :verified_root:

@jsit @adam admins who signed fedipact when they find out their users actually wanted to federate with threads:

Josh Holme

@jsit This is one thing I think bluesky handles better. The PDS that hosts your account is separate from all moderation decisions

Josh Holme

@jsit Another issue is people with single user instances who want to control their moderation can’t see a lot of the threads accounts from their instance. Even if directly searching for the @username@


@JoshHolme Directly searching should work fine I think?

Josh Holme

@jsit Not in my experience. I have a single user instance that I was mainly using before. Just starting to switch to now because my single instance account can’t see @austinnotduncan or @snazzyq


@JoshHolme My single-user instance can.

I don’t think there’s anything about Mastodon or ActivityPub that should prevent this. Otherwise how would anybody follow anybody? Somebody needs to be the *first* person on an instance to follow a remote account.

Josh Holme

@jsit I’m not sure. @Josh can’t view @austinnotduncan even on the official site and not through a 3rd party app. Either through a link to their profile or from searching his username, but @Josh is following other threads accounts. It’s a mystery to me.


@JoshHolme Very strange. I’ve just looked up several Threads accounts from my single-user instance. Are you sure you didn’t suspend Threads?

Josh Holme

@jsit Positive. Also, like I said, I can see other threads accounts, just not these

Evan Prodromou

@jsit What happened with I thought y'all decided to block

Gerard Hynes

@jsit Here I was wondering why some people were tagging @ potus as if they were reposting from X/Twitter. has blocked threads (for not moderating hate speech, and other obvious reasons)


@jsit Currently the federation with Threads only works "one way": @​potus won't see your comments or likes.

So it's no better than RSS subscription, moreover, disabling THAT incomplete federation seems like a reasonable solution, less misleading.

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