Also this was starting to feel really complicated and stressing me out, and I had to remember THIS IS ALL JUST FOR FUN; a silly whim I had one day.
Leave it to my #ADHD nature to do something spontaneous for funsies and then start placing more importance on it than is warranted once I get into it.
Round 4 of March Madness: Dootstravaganza starts NOW!
There will be only 2 polls of 3 choices each in this penultimate round. Tough decisions must be made. Tears may be shed, swords may be shaken. :scremcat:
Vote for the name of the town you would most want to live in, of which Doots would be the mayor!
Doots is my charismatic cat. See #DootsToots to behold his charm.
The winner of these two polls will advance to the final round, so be sure to vote in each, and boost for more democracy!