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Jobu Tupaki

from now on, every beleaguered solo #FOSS maintainer should rebut each and every nasty, inhumane pressure campaign by referencing this attack on #xz:

« Nothing is so urgent that it cannot be done safely. Articulate substantive technical issues in an issue; then take a number, and remove such unconstructive personal invective to more appropriate forums than this project's mailing list or issue tracker. »

1 comment
Jobu Tupaki

i would further amend my Code of Conduct to prohibit disparagement of a maintainer's "productivity":

« This project honors the legacy of #LasseCollin and the #xz infiltration. Manufactured urgency criticizing a maintainer's throughput, dedication, or competency to keep pace with specious "community demands" will be regarded as hostile social engineering, and harshly sanctioned (permabanned). »

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