He *wants* a solution – he’s a lover of the world, been doing ecologically-tinged fiction forever. Not permitting himself to write a bleakly pessimistic, dystopian novel like /The Sheep Look Up/ (similar in many ways, down to ecological terrorists, but which ends with the problems unsolved and the world spiraling down), he came up with the most likely solution he could see. He’s a sad figure because his best path forward is ludicrously unlikely, but his only alternative is despair. (5/7)
The end of /The Sheep Look Up/:
Opening the door to the visiting doctor, all set to apologize for the flour on her hands – she had been baking – Mrs. Byrne sniffed. Smoke! And if she could smell it with her heavy head cold, it must be a tremendous fire!
"We ought to call the brigade!” she exclaimed. “Is it a hayrick?”
“The brigade would have a long way to go,” the doctor told her curtly. "It’s from America. The wind’s blowing that way.” (6/7)