@marick I could almost agree with KSR's intention here if not for how much he misrepresents the Global South and the grassroots.
Okay, the "bottom-up" might not work in itself, but why completely erase it and show Frank as the only one with agency in the refugee camps?
Why is the only non-white, non-Northerner character with a name and a speaking role a terrorist / black ops specialist?
If KSR just wanted to have "another way", he could have not ridiculed people doing work right now.
@alxd You’re probably right. I don’t have any personal knowledge of how refugees behave. (My paternal aunts and my grandmother were refugees from Poland after WWII – they walked about 1000km from north of Warsaw to near Stuttgart. However, I was too young to ask them about the experience. My father was in an Allied prisoner of war camp, which I don’t think is very comparable. His stories depicted everyone as being passive – head down, trying to get along.)