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(Undercover) Wires

@allynkhine @Npars01 @fribbledom I was born in Houston & lived their for 35 years. I have family in the DFW area and east Texas. I will both agree with you kinda, like on a technicality (the votes), but also hard disagree.

Texas Republicans have been working their asses off for decades just to dumb down the populace alone, starting with children— that’s in addition to all the rest of the voter suppression & convincing ppl of color not to bother bc their votes won’t be counted, it’s rigged, they can’t win/don’t have the numbers (WRONG), etc.

Remember the 2012 Texas GOP Party Platform literally said they wanted to remove the teaching of “critical thinking skills” from classrooms — like whaaaaat. Literally said that. Moses was a founding father in a history textbook (years later)??? Just absolutely bananas shit. And Texans have propaganda spewed at them daily from every direction from infancy about the evil monsters who hate freedom and God—that they will eventually identify as Dems/leftists.

It’s amazing the state is as blue as it is, but we can thank the oil industry for starters. They did a good thing—oops. The ship channel and other polluters near Houston—those corporations brought a lot of jobs, from blue to executive white collar. I read a many years ago that there were more people in Houston who were transplants than were actually born in the area. It’s a diverse city and it continues to grow and spread out in size (into many other small attached cities & communities—many of which turned blue in 2016 or 2020). And those people didn’t grow up being programmed.

Anyway. It’s fucking sad. Some GOP voters know exactly who’s to blame when there is no electricity or water, but they are scared shitless of voting for someone… who they think was selected by the devil (bc pastor said so). Or _____ insert other terrifying (to them) lie they have been fed. It’s fucking sad.

1 comment
Kitchen Priestess (She/Her)

@JoParkerBear @Npars01 @fribbledom

Ditto Kentucky. Education here is absolute crap - even the public schools push fairy tales as history, and forget about science - and as a result the people outside the three major urban areas (3 counties out of 120) are too illiterate and uneducated to even read a book or an in-depth article on policy and comprehend it. (If they were so inclined to do so, which I assure you they are generally not.) The educated people came from elsewhere or are the kids of those people. You know how the *average* reading level in the US is sixth grade? Here in places it's fourth or fifth (somebody had to be below average, and Kentucky is one of those somebodies).

@JoParkerBear @Npars01 @fribbledom

Ditto Kentucky. Education here is absolute crap - even the public schools push fairy tales as history, and forget about science - and as a result the people outside the three major urban areas (3 counties out of 120) are too illiterate and uneducated to even read a book or an in-depth article on policy and comprehend it. (If they were so inclined to do so, which I assure you they are generally not.) The educated people came from elsewhere...

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