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Mighty Orbot

@AuthorJMac Are you saying you want AI that will figure out when the laundry or dishes need to be done, and then pick up the dirty items and clean them for you?

(Yes, I realize I’m belaboring the joke at this point.)

Joanna Maciejewska

@mighty_orbot Yeah, ever since I moved out of my parents' home, I have to do it all by myself (*gasps*), so clearly I'd prefer shortcuts. ;)

Mighty Orbot

@AuthorJMac Sorry, it’s just that my parents are old enough to remember when cleaning machines didn’t exist, and doing the laundry was an all-morning chore of hand-washing and wringing and hanging outdoors. Washing dishes took an hour and two people.

The machines we have now are HUGE time and labor savers. Once you throw in a fridge-freezer so you only need to buy food once a week, they’re the whole reason you now have time for art and writing at all.

Joanna Maciejewska

@mighty_orbot Yes, I remember those times too (back in communist Poland, a washing machine was a rare commodity). I don't take them for granted, and I don't argue that the machines are not huge time savers. I'm just pointing out that some people (myself in particular) would prefer it if AI was aiming at taking away the mundane chores in general not replacing things that allow us to be creative, productive, and express ourselves.

Mighty Orbot

@AuthorJMac I just think it’s kind of cool that the machine-driven labor-saving future we’ve been imagining since “The Jetsons” is already here, and I know my autistic ass is driving the joke into the ground at this point, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Joanna Maciejewska

@mighty_orbot No worries.
But speaking of Jetsons, I'm still waiting for cheap and commercial space travel and flying cars!

argv minus one


Did laborers' workloads not go up in response to cleaning machines freeing up their time?

Any means of saving labor usually only results in your boss heaping more labor on you, unless you've got a strong labor union with which to stop him.


Mighty Orbot

@argv_minus_one No, because the laborers employed by bosses weren’t the same family members as the people who did the washing and cleaning.

Stay on topic; nobody’s talking about unions here.

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