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Joanna Maciejewska

@mighty_orbot Yes, I remember those times too (back in communist Poland, a washing machine was a rare commodity). I don't take them for granted, and I don't argue that the machines are not huge time savers. I'm just pointing out that some people (myself in particular) would prefer it if AI was aiming at taking away the mundane chores in general not replacing things that allow us to be creative, productive, and express ourselves.

Mighty Orbot

@AuthorJMac I just think it’s kind of cool that the machine-driven labor-saving future we’ve been imagining since “The Jetsons” is already here, and I know my autistic ass is driving the joke into the ground at this point, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Joanna Maciejewska

@mighty_orbot No worries.
But speaking of Jetsons, I'm still waiting for cheap and commercial space travel and flying cars!

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