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Rob Ricci

"Hey, what's a good name for our company that makes switches?"


"Yeah, sounds good! Let's buy the domain for our website!"


@ricci What alchemy is this! 🧙‍♀️

Jeremy Mallin

That reminds me of sphincter magic in the television series, The Magicians.

🐟 🦑🐙ptoothfish🐙🦑🐟

@ricci i wasn’t confident in my proctologist so i’ve decided to get a second opinion from the anus witch


@ricci Somewhere there is a Wiccan proctologist aghast that their idea was poached.


@ricci If this was a Japanese company I'd assume it was a sleye reference to Shirime.

It does sadden me to know I will never be able to experience the reciprocal Engrish. The amount of insane shit I'd probably write if I had to translate and transliterate something into a language I wasn't a native speaker of would be hilarious.

Hot Dog Water


Anus Witch is very metal. 🤘😈

I clicked, and if I ever add a kill switch to one of my guitars I’m getting an anu switch. 😁 And I would love to put a hoist crane control on something ridiculous. My shiny-things nerve has been triggered.


@ricci sometimes real life imitates art...

Text reading "And so Tobias, hoping to straighten out his image, set out on a new start."  The image is of a vanity license plate on the back of car reading "A N U S T A R T".  It's from the TV show Arrested Development.
Seth Galitzer

@ricci To be fair, that is a pretty nice product selection there. Where you put them is your business.


@ricci I see your switches, and raise you a kitchen!

Lindsey 🐲

That's actually brilliant, I would totally buy from anus witch

Mr. Completely

@ricci I've known a couple of those kinds of witches. Fantastic if you're into that sort of thing.

Arch :arch:

@ricci I wonder if it was a nu start for them

Psy Chuan :therian:

@ricci the anus witch is casting rectal spells upon ye


@ricci I really really really want them to have been aiming to replicate the Uneeda Biscuit marketing because if so, that makes this failure so much funnier.

"I need to get a dump from my anuswitch"

"Wow, someone's really hammering my anuswitch"

Tom Harrington

@ricci “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?” “Well…”

Josh (like the wine)

@ricci <Attenborough voice> “The anus witch, a specialized subspecies, is best known for its highly specific broom-riding adaptation…”


@ricci A friend came up with a procedure in organic chemistry and his boss’s first thought was to name it after said friend. But they bandied it around, saying it aloud, and decided that Snow Reaction sounded to close to no reaction, so went with something else. :)

MA Caiti

@ricci almost as bad as :blobcat_fishnom:

Doctor LURK

@ricci I think I'm gonna blame the anus witch the next time I fart at a fancy restaurant.

Jens Finkhäuser

@ricci well, the classic example was it took them a long time to add a hyphen.


@ricci Ha! That's class! I see you've had a reply referencing pen island but it seems no one's mentioned the susan album party hashtag yet, so allow me. #susanalbumparty


That's right up there with my two favorites, the Official Meeting Facilities Guide which used to be at; and the proto-stackexchange site that many were calling ExpertSexChange before they bought a second domain with a hyphen between the s and the e.

Stu Duerson, machina exo deus


A witch with a switch can be a mean bitch!

I see profit.

Clifton Royston


I remember back in the '90s, the days of Experts' Exchange.

Rob Ricci

@CliftonR I bet anuswitch could actually help them out

Clifton Royston


I see there are many of us old farts replying in the comments.

unusual zone of infecundity
@ricci your one-stop shop for all your natural herbal proctological needs!
Den of Earth

There was a shop years ago called

CANUS Plastics

where their neon sign would blink the first letter on and off forever. Presumably the name was an amalgam of two countries in North America, I dunno.

4censord :neocat_flag_pan:

@ricci it's a Chinese company, so i'd guess that's just a Latinization of their Chinese name

lachlan but spooky

@ricci Somebody didn't watch Arrested Development before starting their switch company

California license plate reading ANUSTART
The Turtle

@ricci let's not forget the ol' Experts Exchange...

Their URL didn't used to contain the hyphen.


@ricci emergency stop buttons from anuswitch - for when the shit hits the fan



I will not be leaving a picture of an Anus Witch.

Flaming Cheeto

@ricci whoever did this needs to see some kind of combination analyst / therapist

Husker D.

@ricci created their corporate logo using copilot.

Picture of Uranus witch on a network switch 🍑🔌

@ricci Well I know where I'm buying switches from now.

Thomas Casteleyn

@ricci might even get blocked by most company proxy/firewalls


"Hey, what's a good name for our swiss IT company?"


"Yeah, sounds good! Let's buy the domain for our website!"


@ricci oh boy I please never want to see her house in woods

Nick Taylor

@ricci Pen Island, on the other hand, knew exactly what they were doing.



Next weeks Marketing meeting.

Now Darren, Hows our website stats?

Well we had a big bump in unique hits over the long weekend.

Michelle: Awesome, We must have gone semi viral on social media again. I told you Anus Witch would get our products know to new customers.

Tim Hall

@ricci and also a good argument for CamelCase. 🙄

A sign showing the @ address for The White Swan Kineton, but without using camel case.
Luka Rubinjoni

@ricci I sure hope they run a mastodon instance...

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


I'm guessing they consulted with expertsexchange dot com for that domain name. 🤭


@ricci Just making sure @JoshuaACNewman sees this so he can share it with me later!

Rob Ricci

@JoshuaACNewman @epidiah I have so many questions ... that I don't actually want answered

Dionysus 🍇

@ricci Don't look at us. Our coven agreed specifically: no butt stuff.

(Not judging. Just not our thing.)


@ricci I'm wondering, if I create a brand called Anus Witch... am I allowed to register anuswitch.* domains as well?

PointlessOne :loading:

@ricci My headcanon is that they had the domain first and named the company to fit it.

Claudio Zizza 🦜

@ricci Planet Uranus is not amused about competition.

Vixen Blu

@ricci's the PenisIsland (Pen Island) situation all over again

Antti Metsänkylä


Btw, Anu is a first name, female, in Finnish. Quite common.

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