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Drew DeVault

You don't use GitHub? What are you, a communist?

Drew DeVault

Wait... FOSS... is a *collectivist* movement? 🤯

Drew DeVault

If you feel the leaders of your FOSS projects are insufficiently anti-capitalist or anti-fascist or anti-racist or what have you, you can just ignore them, take the software, and do whatever you want with it, with whomever you please, you don't need anyone's permission

Drew DeVault

If, at the end of the day, the only reason Redict exists is to be a home for people who don't want to use software governed by big cloud company employees, that's entirely valid actually

Niklas Korz

@drewdevault As a side note, kudos for putting Redict on Codeberg. I appreciate you choosing a non-profit platform for it, though I personally wouldn't have had any issues if you went with Sourcehut either.

Trolli Schmittlauch 🦥

@drewdevault B…but shouldn't software communities be apolitical and collaborate exclusively based on technical merits and excellence? :pika:

(Xtreme military-sponsorship shill voice)

Gary "grim" Kramlich

@drewdevault socialist actually... I don't use Git either :) (Well not for my own projects... there's no avoiding it entirely unfortunately..)

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