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Luis Villa

@adamgreenfield (as soon as you made the first toot, I immediately thought of this. unconscionable.)

Janet is prematurely obsolete

@luis_in_brief @adamgreenfield Same. re the Post Office scandal. The thing went on because people were so easily gaslit to think they had made errors, all the time.

I learned the word “slapdash” here…

I never lived in the US as an adult so I can’t compare. I think diligence I have encountered in Latin contexts, including postcolonial, comes from bureaucratic zeal that simply doesn’t exist here. (And I have seen more of in the US come to think of it, I have been to the DMV, lol)

Luis Villa

@janet @adamgreenfield yeah, it's hard for me to to cross-cultural comparisons, but in the US's regulatory culture there is definitely a very related learned helplessness around technical regulation: "we'd like to be diligent, but that would require understanding tech and we can't possibly do that"

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