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Paul Starr

@adamgreenfield Something about this tendency is self-reinforcing, too, it feels like—the assumption that other people are being slipshod elsewhere makes it easier to justify my own lack of diligence, for sure. "low-diligence society" is apt too in that it's adjacent but not identical to a low-trust society.

Adam Greenfield

@pts Yes! Good catch, that’s precisely how I intended it, and yes these qualities are braided ‘round one another.

Paul Starr

@adamgreenfield The concept of taking personal responsibility is a vexing one, given how frequently it's used by the enemies of solidarity, and yet! Being reliable and diligent is good, actually!

Adam Greenfield

@pts I am building up to a longer rant about this, and in fact something that may well become a longer piece of writing and/or otherwise definitive of this next part of my life, but competence and capacity and clarity and diligence and strength (*clearly*, I hope, for some specified and carefully defined values of “strength”) are all things it is beyond foolish to cede to the people who hate us and love hate. Will say (probably too) much more shortly.

Paul Starr replied to Adam

@adamgreenfield good memes are another virtue we cannot afford to cede, come to think of it


Adam this absolutely encapsulates the way I see things here in Australia. So perhaps this culture is more pervasive?
I'd enjoy reading something "more definitive".


@adamgreenfield @pts I still think the long tail of empire has to bear the blame for at least some of it. When you can fuck up repeatedly and there is a quarter of the world to make up and suffer your mistakes with essentially no consequences as long as the rich stay rich, you can go a long time running inefficient systems and getting away with it.

Adam Greenfield

@Nicovel0 @pts Sure, I’ll buy “at least some of it.” But one of the lower-diligence cultures I’m familiar with, Korea, was colonized rather than the colonizer, so there’s not a 1:1 correlation.

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