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PSA: We switched signing keys for our Pixelfed for Android app.

If you are having issues updating to the latest version (, we suggest deleting the Pixelfed app from your Android device, then re-installing the APK from

We've submitted our app to the Play Store for an open beta, and look forward to distributing the app via Play Store and F-Droid in the near future!

We appreciate your patience during this beta period!

Liaizon Wakest

@pixelfed thank you! got it installed and already posted a story!


I don't see the app in playstore, I am waiting since the announcement :neofox_cry:


@morethanevil @pixelfed Probably because of the Beta? Maybe you have to explicitly sign up for that? :ablobcatbongo:


@tizian @morethanevil It won't be in the Play Store yet, we're working on an Open Testing beta release first, once the app review for that is done, anyone will be able to start beta testing the app from the Play Store and after we reach the threshold of 20 testers, we will be able to submit the app to the Play Store as a public release!

Kazuky Akayashi ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

@pixelfed ​:nko_curious:​

I don't really understand, the versions in the Pixelfed repository (Droid-ify or FDroid whatever) are not the same as the one marked in the app, so the app in the repository is up to date or not (so far I've been using the apk from the Pixelfed app but I find it easier to go through Droid-Ify to update everything at the same time).

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