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Aral Balkan

What the fuck is Russiaphobia? What absolute bullshit is that? What next? Naziphobia?

Talk about playing into Putin’s hands…

Carlo Gubitosa :nonviolenza:

@aral if you want a good example of russiaphobia, try to consider the equation russian=nazis you just implied with your toot.


@aral this is really disappointing to read. Equating a country full of people to Nazis because of the current administration is exactly the kind of thing that damages ordinary Russian people. This is eerily similar to the relationship towards Japanese people during WWII. It is possible to take a materialist understanding towards a conflict and understand that no matter who you think the good guys are, its bad for everyone caught in the middle

Honestly expected better from you.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@protodrew I honestly hope @aral doesn't mean half of what he said, he just spoke in anger.

But if he did... Gee... Thanks, I guess...

Json Doh

@drq @protodrew @aral
There's a subtle difference between Russia as a state and Russia as a land, and Russians as a nation, and Russians as an ethnicity, and many other things. I think you all disagree on what to disagree about.


@aral i am not sure if it is a problem already, not the motive of the guy replying there..

But covid for instance did increase anti-Chinese racism.

That Poutine or Russian music were already targets, indicates that it's not impossible.

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