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Federico Viticci :ticciseal:

sometimes I think about all the international drama we could have avoided if only Apple said "let's make iPhones work like Macs for installing apps"

(((Jann Gobble)))🏳️‍🌈

@viticci Sometimes I think about all the personal trajedy that we have avoided since malicious actors have not had access to the hardwarre and software on iPhones, Federico.

We buy iPhones knowing they're locked down.

This lawsuit is wrong and bad and will be defeated! Buy Android if you want open.

I don't. I like closed!


@viticci @jann I don’t think pointing at the Mac is a good argument here, it’s simply not comparable to the iPhone as a potential target for malicious actors. I say this as someone who wants iOS to be more open.

Jamie McCarthy

@mrkn @viticci @jann Yeah it’s silly to compare laptops and phones.

Andreas K

Ah, nothing would have stopped apple from providing their review, etc services on an open iPhone.

You claim these are so valuable services, so obviously the users would be happy to pay the 42% Apple tax for these valuable services, right?

Michael Love

@viticci Heck, they could have avoided 90% of this if they'd stuck to their policy of only allowing IAPs in paid apps.


@viticci meanwhile Apple think of all the money they wouldn’t have made :D

David B

@splitmind @viticci I’ve been reflecting on that the last couple weeks. It was easy to be an Apple fan when they were an innovative underdog. Now that they are a super power that is increasingly driven by their share price, I don’t see them as any better than any other giant multinational

I still love some of their products, but many of their practices make it impossible to love Apple

And my iPhone doesn’t blow me away the way my Mac SE/30 did

gullevek ☢️

@viticci The stink of money is just unresistable. And instead of just making it easy and safe to install apps from anywhere they will shit around and make things worse and stomp like and angry three year old


@viticci this imo is all down to Schiller and the mentality he has embedded into Apple from literally day 0 into all the people who work within the AppStore. He himself mentioned about how they’d inevitably would need to make changes and open things up however he also critically mentioned in emails about doing so in position of “power” rather than being forced. The irony. Its shame not many podcasts has picked on this and instead focus on the “Tim Cook doctrine” instead.


@viticci I prefer the security of the iOS install process.

Григорий Клюшников

Sean, then nothing will change for you. This debate is about giving people choice.


@grishka actually it would affect me as I have to deal with hundreds of customer iPhones every month. It’s going to be a nightmare.

Dominic Hopton

@viticci @tclementdev I think about all the drama that could have been avoided if they just unbundled the 30% commission and allowed ppl to pay-for-play each component of it.

Gene Cowan 🏳️‍🌈

@viticci Except that unlike the Mac, iPhones would then become the top target for malware on the planet.

Григорий Клюшников

Gene Cowan 🏳️‍🌈, are you implying that they aren't protected well enough as is, that there needs to be an organizational component as well as things like app sandboxing and permissions?


@viticci The iPhone may never have become as popular as it is today if it were just another android clone. How many people chose iOS precisely because of its closed nature?

John Wilker 👨🏽‍💻

@viticci @Gargron It’s interesting to me the “security” minded ignore or forget the years of jailbreaking that took place and the distinct lack of botnet phones, stolen millions from banking apps, etc.

Secure and open is possible. If anyone could it’s Apple and I’m bummed they’re fighting this so hard.

Wa Conner

@viticci Except that not making iPhones work like Macs for installing apps was what made the experience so pleasant. Not looking forward to my phone turning into the mess that PCs became that requires tons of decision making and regulated by idiotic governments around the world.

Brian Turner 🐝

@viticci It astounds me that Apple has been able to hold on to veto power over developers for so long. And that it translates into veto power over the capabilities of end users. I remember having antitrust discussions all the way back when the AppStore launched. We knew this would happen.


@viticci agreed. The blocker to this would be a small group of AppStore executives who care about their million dollar bonuses more than apps or customers. Incentives are greed based 😤

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