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@greenWhale @besendorf Etymological trolling does not change the common - historicallly grown - meaning of the term antisemitism.

Vinnie (any)

@beta3 @besendorf nor does conflating criticism of a state with hatred towards a cultural heritage and belief system, but here we are.

:dalek: דאלק בן אברהם :dalek:

@greenWhale @beta3 @besendorf it takes some serious stones for non-Jews to racialize Jews by calling us Semites (Göttingen school of history) and then another non-Jew to create the term antisemitism (Wilhelm Marr) so he could create a political party with the goal of getting rid of Jews to then play fucking word games when you all stuck the fucking word on us in the first place.


@greenWhale @besendorf Not sure who you are replying to now. Neither me nor @besendorf have equated general criticism of Israel with antisemitism. Criticizing the Israeli government (or the population that has elected it -"Israel") is certainly legitimate as long as Israel's right to exist is not denied, as long as the history of the conflict is not ignored, etc.

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