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@MorganGeek @baldur When that happens to me, I just mark everything as old and start afresh. Maybe I'll skim the titles of the most recent posts in the list in case anything piques my curiosity, but that's about it.


@mkj @baldur that's the healthy and simplest option surely but I can't easily allow myself to do it 😂


@MorganGeek You are hereby allowed to do that. 🙂

Maybe it helps that I use rss2email so I know that if I want to find something later, it'll still be there (as long as I don't delete things).



@mkj @baldur I try to keep my email only for important stuff or reminders so less active. I love things like killthenewsletter. I would love some kind of AI to declutter and summarize my RSS feeds without skipping the essential bits. But probably it's overkill.


@MorganGeek I solve that by having set up automatic sorting of those emails into separate mailboxes, clearly distinct from everything else. (With the exception of a few feeds where I actually do send copies of posts also to my inbox.) But whatever floats your boat!



@mkj @baldur thanks for sharing! I did it in past but it consumed as much time as nowadays trying to catch up with rss feeds. Too much is happening on the web for my brain to find it relaxing. But i love to learn as well. Probably it's a trap and I should spend time doing things instead of reading anything.


@mkj @baldur I'll mark it all as read tonight 😂 following your great advice. Time to take action on what matters and let go everything else

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