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@stux @Gargron A lot of the artwork that our band uses has some involvement with AI when it’s created. It might not solely be used to create our art, but we do use some AI. Are you saying that we will be required to let everyone know that the Artwork we use for the albums we make has some AI used to make it? Doesn’t that seem like something Bandcamp should be curating and not Mastodon?

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@stux @Gargron Again, to clarify, if we take a painting that we made, and then we use AI to abstract the painting or make it look stranger than it already was, we are still using AI. Your suggesting that we can’t take a painting we made, which in some cases is just swirls of different color paint, but then, add some kind of cartoon like overlay to it all, or maybe just make it look psychedelic or strange. Again, still using AI, and it is artwork. These rules are not clear.

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