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Steve Troughton-Smith

@Gargron *strongly* disagree with that last one, when full disclosure is provided. Cuts off all kinds of interesting use cases and bots (like automated support for apps), and means if you do talk about generative art you can’t post it to a secondary profile to spare your main feed followers. Like it or not, *is* Mastodon to an awful lot of people, and this effectively becomes a blanket ban. I certainly wouldn't be posting here if I had to be on another instance

Bill Vinson

@stroughtonsmith @Gargron Similar to my thoughts. It seems like it really should depend (for profiles only posting AI-generated content) on what the AI-generated content is….

Posting only prompts and the weird art that was generated? In my view, bring it on 😃


@stroughtonsmith @Gargron I don't get the last part. Why wouldn't you post on Mastodon (or Fediverse in general?) if you would be on a different instance?

This is part of the federated principle. Why do you want to limit mastodon to a single instance?

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