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Tante Anja

@Gargron Half the time it's impossible to find the artist. The other half it's impossible to see wether or not it's AI.

I get the need for similar rules but fear for a lot of false reports and people bugging their fellow donners to no end about images without sources, just for funsies.

a Sapoconcha Tradutora

@HeyLaiverd @Gargron When it's impossible to find the author, I've seen many folks post something along the lines of "Not mine, found it on [insert website/social network name here] and couldn't find the author, if you know the author let me know!". Would that be enough in the way of attribution?

a Sapoconcha Tradutora

@HeyLaiverd @Gargron Followed, of course, by actually editing to attribute once someone lets you know who the author is.

Claire @LVFC 🌴

@HeyLaiverd @Gargron you can very easily say "artist unknown" or "please help me ID the artist". Just don't post it with no context and people think it's yours!

David Marshall

@Claire @HeyLaiverd @Gargron

This works. I did this once back on the dead bird site, before it was all Musked up. Found the artist. Attributed their work. Followed them.

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