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Miguel de Icaza

From twitter, the bloodbath continues.

Sean Murthy

@Migueldeicaza just imagine what the Google version looks like.

Robert Pickering

Microsoft has is copying Google's product life cycle now!


@Migueldeicaza I didn't know Xamarin was killed, why was that? (serious question)


@Migueldeicaza The thing is, I often refer to Xamarin when explaining people why it is relevant to have Java for Mobile.
If MS considers it important for MS-devs to write an app once and deploy it on all mobile platforms, the same should apply to Java.
Anyway, (business and marketing) reality is more complex. But Xamarin has been one of the reasons I kept working on Java on Mobile. Well, for more than 1 reason.

Miguel de Icaza

@johanvos Well, that is a bit of an incorrect image. A very hollow shell of Xamarin survives, the tooling for native work remains and some of it is folded into .NET, but as a fairly underfunded effort.

Xamarin.Forms was deprecated in favor of a major breaking change in the form of Maui.

Miguel de Icaza

@dt The myopia over there is beyond pathological.

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