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Aral Balkan

I call it “end-stage capitalism” because, one way or another, it’s going to end. The more pertinent question is whether or not it will take us along with it. And that very much depends on how it ends.

Damn! Pepe!

@aral I would say be prepared. But I share this point of view. And I am preparing.


@aral Naomi Klein calls this stage "necro-techno capitalism", for obvious reasons.

Will it take us with it, dying? Probably not. I believe that on the very brink of the final collapse, people (some, not all) will revolt.

It will be painful, but I think some of us will survive and eat the rich.

Madies Scythian

Oh, it'll take us with it.
Faced with an existential threat of climate destruction what do we do? Vote for people who only promise tax-cuts and hate against minorities.



I am not so sure capitalism is going to end soon. A more interesting topic to me is what comes after. Can we be sure it will be better.

🇺🇦 haxadecimal

@railmeat @aral If it's still controlled by the 0.001%, it won't be much better, if any.

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