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Adam Greenfield

@mapto Jesus, dude. You’re really going with this, as your response to that article? Chapeau, I guess. @inquiline

Adam Greenfield


Fifi Lamoura

@adamgreenfield I do kind of love that by the time I go to look at the original offending post you're replying to that the poster has almost always been suspended already! Means I don't know what idiocy or hate they were peddling but that's kind of a perk. @inquiline

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@fifilamoura @adamgreenfield It seems a lot of us aren't networked to qoto?? What I can see over here is my instance admins have hidden either the user profile or the domain, but someone else brought this reply to me partly as a meta "can you see this thing" i.e. part of the work the paper is doing. I'm not sure if it would have appeared for me as a regular mention if I hadn't clicked through(?)

Fifi Lamoura

@inquiline I get a 404 error if I click through so it's not just hidden, the poster or post no longer exist (for me at least). @adamgreenfield

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@fifilamoura @adamgreenfield Ah, maybe they deleted. Still visible here, but maybe bc cached. The mysteries and joys of federation!

Fifi Lamoura

@inquiline I'm also on an instance with very proactive and responsive moderation. @adamgreenfield

Erin Kissane

@inquiline @fifilamoura @adamgreenfield Still there for me, so I believe y’all are defederated

Fifi Lamoura

@kissane Yes, quite likely and one of the reasons I enjoy being on the instance I'm on. @inquiline @adamgreenfield

Can-crisociality 🦀〰️🥫

@fifilamoura @adamgreenfield In this case I'm screenshotting in case it disappears, bc it's such a <chef's kiss> of the total Mastodon package lol

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