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Jason Lefkowitz

@passthejoe Yeah, when people started raving about the revolutionary new static site generators circa 2012 or so I was like "well this all looks familiar" 😆​

Jason Lefkowitz

@passthejoe Honestly I think the other way MT shot itself in the foot was by limiting custom field support to just Pro users. An attempt to push people to upgrade, but it just ended up pushing people to WP, which conspicuously promoted that it included custom fields for free.

Pricing commercial software is hard, etc.

Steven Rosenberg

@jalefkowit They did have a paid, hosted offering -- was it Typepad?? They needed to lean into that and do the hosting for commercial MT users.

They needed to sell the service, not the software.

Hosting busy sites was a nightmare, and this was in the heat of the blogging explosion.

I guess WordPress caught up pretty quickly. They lagged on multi-site, but everything else seemed to work better pretty quickly.

Jason Lefkowitz

@passthejoe Oh man, they had TOO MANY hosted offerings. There was TypePad, Vox, and then eventually LiveJournal. Too many arrows, not enough wood for any of them

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