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Ari SunDog πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸŒžβ™ΎοΈ

@jalefkowit I moved away from Substack after only being there a year and went back to WordPress, thinking it was safe and reliable. Now I'm gonna have to move again? I'll have to learn to self-host -- if they'll even give me back my urls. I hope there is an opt-out option. if there isn't, I'm gonna have to go back and re-tool everything and protect my photos and poems. Annoying AF.

1 comment

@arisummerland self hosting isn't as hardcore as us nerds like to make out. most web hosting companies have a one click install option for all sorts of popular softwares, including wp, ghost, drupal, joomla, ... . the only thing you really need to keep a handle on is that you keep it all updated all the time @jalefkowit

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