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@v just posted my first one, really excited to see where this goes. The only thing I struggled with was the lack of crop and rotate options, that's easy to get around with more intentional design on my part though, I was just seeing how quickly I could throw together something functioning.


@BreoganHackett hah, yes, i saw! i got lost in the infinite fur vortex.

and yes, i want to add both of those, as you can imagine! the perils of finishing a project...


@v haha totally fair. I haven't worked on any in depth tools dev since my work on a flatgame unity plugin. I can't imagine trying to deploy something like this cross platform. Keep up the great work, hope lots of people will pay for it and you can keep it supported long term.


@BreoganHackett thank you - and also, of course, thank you on your work on flatgame stuff back then

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