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Meowrio 🔒
@pixelfed have you fixed your docker images yet? :blobcatgiggle2:
Steve Castano



@pixelfed When is the mobile app going to actually be live? It’s hard to convince my friends to try something that’s still only in TestFlight.

Thai Thien

@pixelfed nan, I think mastodon is enough.

Petri Salmela

@pixelfed Maybe it's my fault. 😼 I just created an Instagram account and uploaded few cat paintings. 😹

Meanwhile: See my Pixelfed account

Super Nintendo Chalmers

@pixelfed I’m having a hard time justifying having both accounts 😂. Since most people I followed last time were mastodon accounts anyway. Can I link my mastodon account yet ?


@pixelfed Me: Join Pixelfed even if the parasitic, commercial version is not down 😉

John Honai :thisisfine:

@pixelfed why use somebody's Instagram when you can have your own "pixagram"

Stephanie 🎀

@pixelfed Given how hard Insta’s auto-moderation fekking blows, I just might do that.

Mike Welch

@pixelfed already joined a year ago and haven’t looked back 🙂


Maybe nobody is saying anything because they can't. You know, because their services are down.

Le Con Poste

Pas seulement parce qu'il est en panne, son éthique est bien meilleure !


@pixelfed Will start using Pixelfed again when I can see NSFW content in my feed. I can't even see my OWN NSFW posts without clicking through to each one. This seems to be an existing issue for years.

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