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Baldur Bjarnason

I follow these people because their advice on software and web dev is usually sound, but wow, so many people in tech are off-the-rails and into the weeds in their arrogant and utter disregard for the expertise required for any of the fields they are regard as “soft”, “humane”, or (unsurprisingly) feminine.

Much of the talk surrounding “AI” easily replacing all of these jobs is just pure mask-off inhumane.

Sheogorath 🦊

@baldur Have a bad day? Talk to the robot!

That's exactly what people feeling lonely want to hear.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak · 🇺🇦

@baldur it's Dunning-Kruger reinforced by making a lot of money in the "Dark Arts of Computer Magic":

> Everyone keeps telling me how smart I am, and then they throw wads of cash at me for things I consider not all that complex, I must be a genius!

> Also, I have not given this a lot of thought, but this <complex social problem> seems to have an easy solution! I'll just go ahead and assume I cannot be wrong here.

The ultimate case of this is… Musk. :blobcateyesblush:

Baldur Bjarnason

@rysiek Hoo boy, yeah. This is absolutely true.

Air Adam

@baldur Some of us on the shop floor, as it were, are still sensible, but I hear the attitude you describe constantly - very much a symptom of people who don't respect people (especially if they happen to be women and/or not white)

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