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Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@caiocgo @yogthos
I've found Firefox Browser + uBlock Origin plugin to be very nice in avoiding ads on YouTube and other places.

Also, the Fediverse's keeps getting better and better content! Let's be mindful to support good videos and content creators there. Last week, I just found PeerTube server which offers a very reasonable $15 / 10GB / 1 year for content creators.


@ScottStarkey @caiocgo @yogthos why pay when there are free instances to help spread the word. Yes donate to keep them going but in the current world let's support the free instances and spread the word!


@ScottStarkey @caiocgo @yogthos also be aware that supports synchronisation from youtube so you can literally copy all your content away from youtube. Check out my channels and follow/subscribe as my content increases!

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@3dcandy @caiocgo @yogthos

That's nice. Thanks for letting me know, 3dCandy. I have some of my magician stuff on YouTube, but it might be time to move that onto a "better"[*] server.

I've been looking for a good place to upload my magic & performance videos to, and might be the perfect place.

[* Footnote: "Better" meaning better for my soul.]


@ScottStarkey @caiocgo @yogthos Hi Scott I can thoroughly recommend . Can even go Live on there if you so wish. However, and it is a big but, your reach and exposure will be tiny compared to youtube unless you plug it hard. I would setup an account, synchronise your youtube vids (takes a day or so) and then run them together before swapping in a bit. Any Q's then fire away. The alternative is to run a peertube instance yourself, though believe me that gets expensive real quick!

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@3dcandy @caiocgo @yogthos

Thanks - I was not performing (or making videos) for reach and exposure. I'm not in it for the fame or to go viral. I'm not into magic that. Fact is, magic is my second job, and I already get as much or more work as I can handle as a magician.

I just like bringing wonder and amazement to people that want more of that in their lives!


@ScottStarkey @caiocgo @yogthos not my point.... typically videos get zero views. There is no recommendations as such so you have to work at it. No ads either so that's good but if you are just doing it for fun you need to understand there is a good chance that nobody will see your work - at least for a few months till you get established. This is why I said to run it in conjunction

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@3dcandy @caiocgo @yogthos

Thanks for the advice and wisdom! I'd promote my PeerTube channel through my only-slightly-annoying Mastodon posts.

Understand where I'm coming from, though: My posts on YouTube have less than 500 views TOTAL. Of all my videos. One typical video of me performing on stage had 27 views after 4 years at the other place.

I may be a terrible marketer of my own talents. 🤣


@ScottStarkey @caiocgo @yogthos no worries - just that a lot of people don't understand that there is no recommendation or algorithms in play on . Nowt, nada.

Scott Starkey ("he" or "they")

@3dcandy @caiocgo @yogthos

Thanks to your suggestion, I've just sent a request to for an account!

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