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@ErickaSimone I feel such a sense of relief after reading your post. No niceties. No hiding. No pretend politeness. No sparing the names. As an European having lived decades in the US I’m still experiencing culture shock triggered by the normalized cruelty combined with superficial politeness, properness, and pearl clutching. Whew.

Ericka Simone

@andreimoment so you’ve noticed one of the trademarks of my character. STRAIGHT TALK. No polite lying, no gaslighting, superficial politeness. We are getting straight to the point, with an occasional f word for effect. Living that type of lifestyle of constant fakeness is exhausting. I was very young when I made the conscious decision to not act like that. And I’m grateful and honored that you’d notice. 💜🙏🏽

Mr. Completely replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone @andreimoment just on aesthetics it's a 10/10 instant classic takedown thread. The person you just incinerated never registered for me as worthy of interest and now it seems I can move on without ever having given them any mind at all. So you just saved me some time, thanks for that

Mr. Completely

@andreimoment @ErickaSimone socially enforced politeness is a means of repression here. It silences people who justly object to systemic and specific injustices. It's worst in the white South but is also the norm in many professional and official circles, places where power hierarchies wear hypocritically genteel masks

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