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Ericka Simone

Of course, NYT being the absolute shtshow that its always been (it was over for some of us after the whole “Mike Brown was ‘no Angel’ article over here), editors “claim” they had no idea that this is what this woman was doing, completely distancing and disavowing any real connection to her behavior, especially when the lawyer stepped in the conversation.

They end the conversation with apologies to all of us, and say “the issue will be resolved within 24 hours.” We knew EXACTLY what that meant.


@ErickaSimone So THAT'S why TaylorL is no longer spouting her BS at NYT?

Ericka Simone

So, the lawyer and I sit and causally watch her social platforms, waiting for what we knew was coming. And sure enough… 72 hours later, Taylor had removed the NYT connection from her bio, and unpinned her NYT byline from her Twitter page.

We know what that means. We got that bitch not just fired, but WIPED from her “internet reporter” job at the paper. City Girls ARE UP BY 10,000 (hip hop colloquialism).

We aren’t the only ones who noticed the changes. Within a few days people start asking…

Ericka Simone replied to Ericka

“Hey Taylor. Are you at NYT anymore? They removed your profile from their journalist page.” (LOL raggedy bitch.)

She replies, in full white cis woman delusion, “Yeah so I left NYT to position myself for a better role.”

Okay bitch. You were fired. Because you are an incompetent journalist and human behind to attempted to misquote one of the most powerful women in MUSIC INDUSTRY HISTORY. She refused ANY accountability for her behavior and actions, knowing EXACTLY what she did. It is INSANE.

Ericka Simone replied to Ericka

We think the situation is handled, and get back to music and minding our business. Nevertheless, this woman weaponizes her whiteness (and whatever else she has), and within 3 weeks, is bragging on the “journalism position she just accepted.” Our jaws drop. “Who is hiring this dumpster fire of a wench for any job?” Goddess of Warner texts me.

Sure enough… it’s the dumpster fire known as Washington Post. Of course a Jeff Bezos-type bitch would let this white woman continue her abuse for profit.

Ericka Simone replied to Ericka

So there it is. Why that bitch was fired from NYT, and I’m sure it’s just one of many reasons. I know for a fact that wasn’t the first complaint NYT editors got on Taylor. That was just the only one from a notable person with the legal resources at her disposal to drop that bitch. And in the end, it STILL wasn’t enough.

Once again. Black women tried to tell you. Black women tried to protect you. Black women moved to the benefit of everyone, just to be overridden by white capitalist sociopaths.

Ericka Simone replied to Ericka

Thank you for joining me on this episode of Ericka’s True Hollywood/Inglewood stories. Now. Spread word on what this bitch did, is doing, and has always done. I’m gonna go fix dinner and watch .




Wraithe replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone mind if I post a link to this thread over on BlueSky?

Could send assholes your way so I figured I’d ask. 😀

Ericka Simone replied to Wraithe

@Wraithe I fear no bitch. Post it. Bring them.

Wraithe replied to Wraithe

@ErickaSimone LOL never mind, I finished posting it and then saw Sydette posted it 40m ago! 😂

Wraithe replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone LOL she’s not even on Mastodon! She’s a friggin’ force of nature!

Ericka Simone replied to Wraithe

@Wraithe I know! We usta follow each other on Twitter. Someone tell her I said what’s good sis COME TO MASTODON.

Wraithe replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone I shall relay! She’s one of the folks I’m on BlueSky and still check Twitter for.

Ericka Simone replied to Wraithe

@Wraithe I have an account over there. Let me know if I need to log on. Cuz I will.

Wraithe replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone I relayed. Yeah I saw that you did which was why I asked if it was ok to post. 😀

Wraithe replied to Wraithe

@ErickaSimone “Tell her HIIIIII! I remember her, (her avi is lovely!)

I’m on an archival convening and need bed but we should TALK

because I thought I was BATSHIT about her Taylor’s clubhouse behavior and reporting

But had no one to corroborate it and Taylor than white grilled misinfo and online harrasment”

Ericka Simone replied to Wraithe

@Wraithe HAY GIRL!

Yup. I’m gonna go download bluesky now and try again looool.

Wraithe replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone It’s not bad, it’s got a different feel and it’s missing a shit ton of features, which is why I’m mostly over here 😂

Courtney Cantrell replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone @Wraithe Ah, Sydette's voice is one I've been missing since jumping the Twitter ship!

Courtney Cantrell replied to Ricardus

@Ricardus @ErickaSimone @Wraithe Sydette Harry. Utterly brilliant writer and culture critic. "Dreaded Gorgon" on the bird site, iirc.

Wraithe replied to Courtney

@courtcan @ErickaSimone Yeah, she’s one of the folks keeping me logging into BlueSky. She’s still active on Twitter and she’s on Threads but I’m not goin’ on Threads.

Cheradenine Zakalwe replied to Ericka

Thank you for telling the story Shit like this needs to be heard. Utterly sociopathic behavior like this pervades the corporate media industry — NOTHING matters except ratings and profit, everyone outside the industry exists to be either sucked up to or used. And then they wonder why nobody trusts them.

Farrer replied to Ericka

@ErickaSimone i’m grateful for you sharing this, thank you. i didn’t think the recent interview was inherently bad but i clearly didn’t understand the context behind why people are distrustful of her actions, she seems dangerous.

Ericka Simone replied to Wraithe

@Wraithe wow how did you find this live footage of us eating lunch after dropping that bitch at soho warehouse that day? 🤣😈

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