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rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

XDDDDDDDD "Are the trains runnin????? They are, so fuck off"

after being asked for technical report about why they broke to begin with

Useliss Lisbian :sparkles_trans: replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

@rail_ I'm having a lot of fun watching this without even understanding a single word (sadly) 😅

DELETED replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

@rail_ Is this a parliamentary session or stand up comedy?

soft cuddly phoenix, disaster queer :v_bi::v_poly: replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 "we fixed it, right? so you don't have to question why it's broken anymore, it totally won't happen ever again and if it does you can just pay us to fix it again"

rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

"Train software should be a trade secret of the manufacturer just like Coca Cola recipe"


rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

it's more or less a standard practice for expensive industrial equipment to ship *full* source code of all related software and compilation tools

so yeah, fuck off anti-repair scumbags

rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

MP being relentless xD "Did you propose any strategies to the board of directors that would increase the number of maintenance and repair orders coming in?"

rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

> "Is is true that the train software contains geofencing and if that's true - why?"

> "I don't know"

> "But can you provide that answer in writing?"


rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

Disappointing nobody mentioned the supposed lockouts during service - train breakage with passengers onboard is big

soft cuddly phoenix, disaster queer :v_bi::v_poly: replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 but safety! you need to protect the passengers from the train-destroying bad vibes coming from the nearby workshop, they should just close, then there'd be no issue /s

rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿 replied to rail :neofox_flag_nb: 🌿

"right to repair has to be paid for with purchase" 🤡

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