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Fedilab Apps

We are currently blocked by Google for submitting new releases.
They asked videos showing why we need the permission "background services".
Videos are done and will be submitted tomorrow.
This feature is mainly used when posting because it needs to support the thread submission that can embed several media.
The other use case is for fetching the Home timeline.
That's why we have to postpone 3.28.1.
Sorry for that

Torsten Grote

They'll probably tell you to use workmanager for that.

Markus Henn

That's only Google Store. What about release on your F-Droid repo?

Am I?

So, it will be available on f-droid while we wait for Google to catch up?

Joe Ortiz

@docjosiahboone @apps It's already available on F-Droid.

Sadly, many devs primarily rely on the Play Store for making money and reach.

Fedilab Apps

Tomorrow, we will publish 3.28.1 for Fdroid users.
For Google users, we don't know how long the verification will take.

Tejas :mastodon: 🇮🇳

Wow! That's surprising. Free version on #FDroid getting the update sooner than the Paid version from the Play Store only because of stupid rules from #Google.


@Tejas @apps

#FDroid #Google

Just donate via PayPal and forget Playstore 👍🏽

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