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Shrig 🐌

When making a joke always consider: Who is the joke for, and is anyone the butt of the joke? If so: Who and why? Is it causing harm or dog whistling or a microagression?
I'm not naming names but a lot of people are scummy as fuck with their shitposts here and really need to reflect on this. Their willing audience also need to consider what they're really seeing beyond just the "lol" section of the joke from their own perspective, and consider how reading that nonsense can feel to others

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Shrig 🐌

That is to say, a lot of people here specialise in shitposts that on the surface to most people appear harmless or just a silly bit of inconsequential edgy fun, but to others create an awful hostile and toxic environment, particularly rooted in antiblackness and ableism to name the two key examples I see on this platform the most. And even worse, people join in riffing on this awful nonsense and the poison spreads from there really. Let's be a bit more considerate yeah?

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