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I advise to be careful with quick defederation (except maybe for instances where you don't have any connections with).

All connections (follows) between your instance and the blocked instance will silently disappear, and people even won't even notice.

It's really hard to rebuild the connections afterwards and some peers will be lost forever.

This spam wave is the result of admins having open registration. Although it is nice and welcoming if people can set up an acc on your instance instantly, it opens the door for spambots.

So please, dear admins: switch to account request "appproval needed".
This will save us a lot of headache.

(Not a solution for the bots that are already present in the current wave).


Erik Uden 🦣🍑:coffefied:

@earthworm I think another way to fix this is as described at the bottom to block many temp E-Mail providers! But yes, approval required (maybe just for TOR IPs) is a good idea.

spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇

@ErikUden kannst du die Info, dass alle Follows verloren gehen auch in deinen Toot übernehmen? Vor allem bei der Instanz bei der du deförderieren und wieder förderien empfiehlst?
Gab in der Vergangenheit Fälle, wo das nicht allen admins klar war und das dann unschön für die User wird

spooky Ske-lil-ton 🦇

@ErikUden super! Vielleicht hatte meine Instanz/Client die Änderung noch nicht geladen

GunChleoc :verified_gaelic:

@Larymir @ErikUden In Mastodon 4.2.x bekommt man eine Statistik, wieviele User ihre Verbindungen verlieren würden. Ich mach immer erst mal nur silence, und dann defederation im 2. Schritt, um das dann zu checken.

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