@elilla @michaela_p In a way, it's less dangerous for the environment because paraffin [edit : i studied paraffin and not other oil and i didn't consider what other mineral oils they have mixed with it] don't really create much of a risk compared to more traditional products to kill bugs. On the other side though, I doubt you wanna kill the bugs you took time to have come to your garden. And also in terms of where it comes from, Total Energies was the company asking me to study this product for them so yeah, there's that too (basically they wanted to find use for some of their oil refinement byproducts).
@elilla @michaela_p So it's not such an awful product in terms of dangerosity for your plants if not in direct sunlight, and it's mostly harmful to bugs it's sprayed on and who could come in contact with it soon after. It cannot help them be healthier by bringing them anything they might need though.