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@PCOWandre well, if you run an instance for anyone other than yourself, then I sure hope that someone with moderator privileges logs in regularly.

Otherwise you are very much part of the problem that caused this spam wave.


@michael I'm thinking in terms of privilege separation. I don't log in with a privileged account except to perform a specific task that requires that elevated level of access.


@PCOWandre so you don’t check on your moderation queue regularly?


@michael I get emailed if someone raises a report and I get emailed when new users are created. Neither event happens that often.


@PCOWandre imo (and you are obviously free to disagree) you should give your daily user mod privileges then.

The problem with this spam wave was the large number of servers with open registrations who didn’t have mods around.

And it’s not like anything too onerous happens in your case: you’d just have your server switched to requiring confirmation of new users. If you respond to new user and new report emails quickly, the approving new users quickly shouldn’t be a problem either.

Again, just my opinion …

@PCOWandre imo (and you are obviously free to disagree) you should give your daily user mod privileges then.

The problem with this spam wave was the large number of servers with open registrations who didn’t have mods around.

And it’s not like anything too onerous happens in your case: you’d just have your server switched to requiring confirmation of new users. If you respond to new user and new report emails quickly, the approving new users quickly shouldn’t be a problem either.


@michael And we're back again to ignoring decades of good security habits -- don't log in as root, don't open your entire domain to ransomware by using a domain admin account for general use, etc.


Old school vs new school approaches, perhaps.


@PCOWandre you can be a moderator without being admin.


@michael Yes, I know.

A purloined moderator account could be used to crush an instance very quickly. Scripts to report every post then take a moderator action on every post, as an example.

We're not seeing much in the way of real attacks on Mastodon yet because there's not enough in it. The stakes are still too low. That's going to change over time.

I'm old and cranky and think if we consider security first and convenience second we'll get a better long-term outcome. I don't want to see an instance incinerated because of a preventable condition; I also have no idea what happens when one restores a Masto database from backup in terms of resuming federated operations with a day of lost data. The whole thing sounds very messy.

@michael Yes, I know.

A purloined moderator account could be used to crush an instance very quickly. Scripts to report every post then take a moderator action on every post, as an example.

We're not seeing much in the way of real attacks on Mastodon yet because there's not enough in it. The stakes are still too low. That's going to change over time.

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