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Woha, this is unexpected: in a future update mastodon will automatically turn off open registration if no mod has logged in for a week or longer:

This is great news, and should hopefully significantly cut down on abandoned servers being used to send spam!

(And this is in addition to also having open registrations off by default on new servers.)

Great news!

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Joel Carnat ♑ 🐘

@michael instances should turn themselves automatically off in no admin has logged in for a week.

Maria Langer | 🛥️ 📝 🎬🚁

@michael @madgeface

It might also be good if they could set it up so that open registrations are automatically turned off if they receive more than a certain number in a certain amount of time. For example if they get 100 new registrations in 10 minutes, that should probably trigger turning it off. A lot can happen in a week.

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