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Eugen Rochko

Watching old movies that were shot on actual film brings me so much joy now. Such beautiful colors. It’s downright relaxing. I’m tired of the over saturated digital look almost every new production has nowadays.

Mark R Nay

@Gargron there is NOTHING as beautiful as a full Kodachrome film. It@ can make one ignore the story.

We are really devolving. The human body responds to sensory input.

CGI and things that are not real do not elicit the quality responses of analog.

Digital must take a back seat in so many areas.

Dragon-sided D

@Gargron So you're saying you want a "celluloid film" style transfer model... have you checked HuggingFace?


@Gargron I get tired of the cyan-and-peach wash that is put over everything. Especially in television - like nobody's tie ever matches the curtains and cushions just so. The colour ranges are all weirdly compressed. I get the desire for coherent composition, but it's so uncanny valley.

Bruce Heerssen

@Gargron There's not any reason CGI has to be oversaturated like that. Maybe it's a fad that will soon mercifully die.

Kyle Stewart

@Gargron I watched a movie called Black Narcissus (1947) a few months back and was so struck by the color. Love the Technicolor!

Sebastiaan Hekman

@Gargron Like "listening to music on vinyl"?

Alex Brindley :abunsmile:

@Gargron the digital look is honestly a choice. Proper filmography and shooting intent can have the same results as stuff shot on film.

Less about the tools and more how they’re being used. You’d be surprised how many gorgeous, film looking productions were actually all digital. Though they are overpowered by over sharpened/clean stuff being pumped out.


@Gargron It's like all the colour that has been sucked out of the real world (where everything's now white, grey or black) is spewn back at you all at once from every little digital display you have.

(Yes, I'm a bit shocked by the hugely oversaturated default display setting of my new smartphone.)


@Gargron this is more a color grading trend than a digital problem, of course digital allow more ease and possibilities in color grading that tend to this trend, but there are some fine color graded digital movies too. And there were ugly color graded analogical movies too in the past . That said, i agree that this current trend is boring :)


@Gargron I thought that saturated digital looks was because of post production, not because of the medium it's recorded... (I may be wrong, though, I'm not an expert in film production).

I think film gives a particular texture and a broader dynamic range (that gets somewhat lost in the transfer) but there's almost no cinemas today that use analog projectors, so that's the limiting factor.

Chainsaw Dan

@Gargron I watch a lot of Arrow Video and getting to see 70s/80s Italian Giallo in 4k but with film gran intact looks stunning. Much nicer than a clean digital look.


@Gargron 100% agree… i've been watching mostly old movies lately 💙

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