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Kit Muse

@michael Would this include logging in/using apps like Fedistar? Just curious. My server already has each new member needing approval, but other than reading the admin account in Fedistar, I don't log in unless I need to do something, and since it's just me, that's not often. :)

Paul Chambers

@KitMuse @michael

I can't answer that, but it does look like it will send an email to the admin notifying about the auto close.


@KitMuse it requires authenticated requests to the server. Presumably your app would make those?

There is also this:


“Can be disabled with the DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_SWITCHING_TO_APPROVED_REGISTRATIONS environment variable if you are for instance using external tools for moderation. It's also disabled when using an email domain allow-list (EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALLOWLIST)”

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