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⚡ Chat Control May Finally Be Dead! ⚡

European court rules that encryption must not be broken. 🔒 💪

Let's celebrate this win for privacy. 🎉 😍

#ChatControl #Optimism #Privacy #Encryption

Read more here: 👇



Yay - some good news!

Undoubtably they will try again, but for now at least let's celebrate a little rationality!


@Gurre @Tutanota

I don't know who it is who would do this, but now is the time to submit some equally problematic legislation for them to fight. Catch them on the back foot and smash them hard with something that will keep them busy for years treading water trying to fight it; play them at their own game.

Bob Machintruc

- "The EU Court ruled that “Backdoors may also be exploited by criminal networks and would seriously compromise the security of all users’ electronic communications.”"
- “mass surveillance does not appear to have contributed to the prevention of terrorist attacks, contrary to earlier assertions made by senior intelligence officials.”
💖 Wow :blobcatheart:

➡️ European Court of Human Rights's ruling:{%22it

#Privacy #Encryption #Security

- "The EU Court ruled that “Backdoors may also be exploited by criminal networks and would seriously compromise the security of all users’ electronic communications.”"
- “mass surveillance does not appear to have contributed to the prevention of terrorist attacks, contrary to earlier assertions made by senior intelligence officials.”
💖 Wow :blobcatheart:

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@Tutanota Still gotten a vpn and I will encrypt traffic between my devices and “free wifi” with a travel router.

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