@Gargron They don't really sell dumb TVs over here but what I’ve done in the past is just never connect it to the internet and use my own streaming box.
Hopefully LG still lets me set up a TV without forcing me to go online like some other products (glances over at my Windows 11 machine)
@Gargron Here's the sorry state of "non-smart TVs” that Best Buy carries: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?_dyncharset=UTF-8&browsedCategory=abcat0101001&id=pcat17071&iht=n&ks=960&list=y&qp=televisiontype_facet%3DTelevision%20Type~Non%20Smart&sc=Global&st=categoryid%24abcat0101001&type=page&usc=All%20Categories
It's kinda funny to see how they're grasping at straws to write marketing copy for the worst TVs money can buy. Somehow I doubt the speakers would create an “immersive surround sound experience”
@Gargron Here's the sorry state of "non-smart TVs” that Best Buy carries: https://www.bestbuy.com/site/searchpage.jsp?_dyncharset=UTF-8&browsedCategory=abcat0101001&id=pcat17071&iht=n&ks=960&list=y&qp=televisiontype_facet%3DTelevision%20Type~Non%20Smart&sc=Global&st=categoryid%24abcat0101001&type=page&usc=All%20Categories