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Quenby (they/them)

Her: and then I asked him "oh I'm sorry am I interrupting your Minecraft?" And you know what he said?

Me: yes?

Her: I don't know where he got this attitude

Me: what attitude? You were interrupting his Minecraft. He was answering what he thought was a question.

Her: well it wasn't a question

Me: well he's a kid and he's new at learning how to read toxic communication styles

Her: 😡 I'm not toxic

Me: what was the point of the question? How did you want him to respond?

Her: not like that

Me: but if you don't know how he's supposed to respond how the hell is he supposed to guess? It sounds like you just want to be mad at him.

Her: I want him to pay attention when I talk to him

Me: then give him enough time to shift his attention before you start talking.

Her: why do I have to change?

Me: because what you're doing now isn't working? Because you're mad every day and you don't have to be? Because your kid needs you to???

Jennifer Kayla | Theogrin 🦊


Thank you!

It's amazing how many people make zero effort to be understood, then get upset when they're *mis*understood. Obviously they're not trying to communicate, these folks would fail a first contact with flying colours and then get upset at the aliens for leaving in search of intelligent life.


@Quenby oof, what an awful job of communicating she seems to have done. She wasn’t even answering the questions in the posted conversation, much less the one with her kid that conversation was about.

“Not like that” isn’t saying how she wanted him to respond. It’s listing a fail state after the fact, when the question was about what the success state would have required…

It’s not just me, that that’s a weird way to communicate, is it?

Quenby (they/them)

She's not great at communicating but she was also really angry and it didn't help things much.

left-wing math nerd

@Quenby I think it’s easy for parents to assume whatever their kids are doing is unimportant and hence it’s okay to just interrupt them. But imagine you needed to interrupt an adult in the middle of a task requiring concentration. You’d say something like “Excuse me. [pause] I’m really sorry to interrupt, but…”. Certainly our kids deserve the same courtesy.


@cohomologyisFUN @Quenby I think at root it's very often a lack of respect for the child as an individual. Of course that's generally learned behaviour, people copying what their parents did without thinking. Which doesn't make it any better


@Quenby @lauralani Dont ask questions if you don’t want an answer.

Daniel Gibson

@MaZderMind @Quenby @lauralani
teaching your kid that answering your questions honestly gets them in trouble certainly is one of the dumber things you can do..


@Quenby I’m frequently both people in this conversation


@Quenby Compassionate Fucking Buddha so much THIS! THIS RIGHT HERE!

We human beings have known now for OVER A HUNDRED YEARS that it takes time to mentally shift gears from one focus to another. That time can vary from a few seconds (for trivial foci) to as long as **FIVE MINUTES** for something that one is truly embedded in.

Give. People. Time. Before. Expecting. Considered. Responses.

StoryDragon, child of the harp

(Boosting with CW is done like this, right?)
CW'ing this because I feel like at least one of my mutuals could use that CW to be there.

( @Quenby )


@Quenby I cannot stand the condescending rhetorical questions you get in trouble for answering honestly. It's a total mind game.


Sounds like the adult assumes that she is higher up in the hierarchy. Which she isn't.

Daniel Gibson

@wakame @Quenby
I wish people would learn how to parent before having kids

Jill •-□


I forget which unschooling post I read, but they equated it with someone actively playing a sporting game (soccer, let's say) and a parent demanding the child stop playing the in-progress game to pay attention to the parent. That would be rude to assume, right? So why think that interrupting Minecraft is ok?

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