@DrDanMarshall @Radical_EgoCom I feel like the common response to my expression of this sentiment is to say that I am being naive or an idealist to a fault, so allow me to double down:
I would rather die than kill someone, and I don't think that makes me an evolutionary aberration, because I can see with my eyes what the "survival of the fittest" mentality is doing to us collectively. It no longer serves us, and if we don't grow out of it, we will continue to destroy ourselves until there's nobody left, or at least until whomever remains is living no kind of life worth living.
@nonehitwonder @Radical_EgoCom I wouldn't say that you are wrong to be a pacifist. One branch of my own family are/were Quakers. I will say that I am not willing to accept the sacrifices an absolute commitment to pacifism would require. I am afraid I am not brave enough to be a complete pacifist. I will settle for the ethics of just warfare and self-defense, should things come to that.